ACR JR-1001 data logger is an Intrinsically
Safe, simple and easy-to-use single-
channel data logger. It is ideal for
quick and accurate temperature recordings
in a variety of applications.
Sampling Interval
User selectable from 8 seconds to 34 minutes |
Sampling Method
Continuous, Stop when Full |
Logger Resolution
0.4°C @ 25°C (0.7°F @ 77°F) |
Memory Size
32 KB (up to 244,800 readings when data compression selected) |
Temperature Sensor Type
NTC Thermistor 10,000 ohms @ 25°C (77°F) |
Temperature Sensor Range:
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) |
Temperature Sensor Accuracy
+/- 0.2°C @ 25°C (+/- 0.3°F @ 77°F) |
UL Intrinsically Safe for use in:
Class 1, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D
Class 2, Division 1, Groups E, F, G
Class 3, Division 1, Hazardous Locations T3C |
Ordering Information
Model |
Description |
Catalog # |
JR-1001 |
Single channel temperature data logger |
01-0193 |